Tuesday 9 January 2018

A day on the mountain. Cold and windy... very refreshing and good "bonding time"!

Sunday 28 May 2017


Admittedly, we probably aren't the best bloggers... but it does seem this is a great way to keep a bunch of people up to date with how we are getting on in Ireland!

When we initially launched this Blog, we were fairly regular with posting... but it didn't seem like very many people were interested in reading... not much feedback and small audience.  Thus, our enthusiasm waned and we eventually forgot to keep blogging...

Nonetheless, we have decided to give it another go!
Some of you may be happy, some could care less... that's ok:-)

We are excited about the things that God is doing here in our family, in Dublin, in County Wicklow and in Ireland in general.

SO, if you want to journey on with us, know how to pray for us and from time to time laugh with (or even at) us...

PLEASE, FOLLOW this Blog  (hit the BLUE BUTTON >>>>)

Our promise is that we will try to be better BLOGGERS!
(Consider the past couple years to be our "social media sabbatical")

Thursday 30 October 2014

Answered Prayer- New Meeting Place!

Special night with Ali:-)

What if CHRISTIANS made some NOISE for equal rights of our brothers and sisters globally?

Happy BDay Jen... Relaxing together:-)

23rd Anniversary!


Not Paris... Better!


Guess EMPTY means EMPTY!

Great to see so many friends in KY!

Who doesn't love Cabelas!!!

Back in the US visiting cousins!

Ready for the World Cup!

Tuesday 6 May 2014


Pray for Mitch our oldest son who broke his leg playing football last night. He us going into operating theatre this morning to have it either casted or nailed. At least the orthopedist was impressed at the set in near perfect alignment I did on the pitch! (It was at 90* angle!) OUCH!!!!

Monday 21 April 2014

Glendalough, Co. Wicklow, Ireland

There are advantages to living in Ireland!
Beautiful scenery on gorgeous sunny holidays!
Easter Monday Walk (about 45 min. drive from our home.)

Tuesday 1 April 2014

You don't see a sign like this every day! Had to laugh!

Glendalough, County Wicklow

April Fool's Day
Site of early monastic community - preserving the gospel for re-evangelisation of Europe during the Dark Ages.  He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose... Nate Saint

Sunday 30 March 2014

BCC Baptisms

Kate sharing what a difference God has made in her life!

Ben explaining what it means for him to be a Christian.

Ciaran telling us about his journey of faith in Jesus Christ!

Ciaran's Baptism

Ben's Baptism

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Jen is once again doing her annual calendar gift for our parents... It's a great review of the year as we look back at all the pictures. God has been so good to us. He is always faithful!!!

Tuesday 31 December 2013

Happy New Year!!!
This game should get us to the ball dropping!!!
God's richest blessings on all!!

Wednesday 25 December 2013

We wish you all a very happy Christmas and a blessed New Year in 2014!

Christmas in the Peace House

Christmas hugs... aahh!
Evidence that I HAVE been in the kitchen for a reason other than to remove things from the fridge! I can make a mean batch of garlic whipped potatoes!
What a blessing this Christmas was here in Dublin.  We miss our family, but God has blessed us with friends and on this Christmas great food, fun, and a relaxing fire...

Sunday 22 December 2013

Christmas Coffee in Dub City

Costa in Dublin City Centre is such a nice new Christmas tradition!
Spencer was a great 'object lesson' for Pastor Jeff's sermon in our Family Christmas Service.
He played the role of Rescuer - springing from a Christmas gift, 
Representing Jesus the real Christmas gift who came to rescue mankind from sin and a lost eternity.