Sunday 15 May 2011


Well, here's for a little piece of insight into the daily life of the Peaces...

We've entitled it - 'life on the line.'  You guessed it - as if the picture didn't give a big clue - the CLOTHES LINE.   Is there ever really a day of rest?

This Sunday morning started with heading to the Firhouse Community Centre for church.  Rick had to get there a bit early to practice for the worship music.  Pastor Jeff had a REALLY good message on John 6 (you know-feeding of the five thousand / Jesus walking on the water- check it out on the church website)  Afterward, Oz and Carol came over to our house and we had a new kind of "spaghetti" pasta that Jen cooked (called bucalotti). It was nice!

After our friends left, back to our constant chore - LAUNDRY!  One thing that is ongoing with a family of six in Ireland is LAUNDRY!  Our washing machine is a cute little one that sits in the downstairs common water closet and when it's on - it sounds like an airplane taking off - for about 2 hours per load!  Then comes the drying - a two part process.  First comes the line drying - if that is possible - between the sporadic and periodic showers.  if the day s a complete washout - we have to resort to only the indoor drying rack. Once the clothes "just damp" we put them in the finish drying mode via a condenser drier.  Electricity is quite a bit more expensive in Ireland than in the USA, and the condenser drier really draws a heavy 240 volt current - ouch! (this is why we must dry clothes on the rack or line first.)

All in all, a single load of laundry takes about 6 hours as long as the weather cooperates - which rarely happens in this lush green climate.  That's taken a bit of cultural adjustment. But, then again, I suppose that's the price we pay for living in paradise :-)