Wednesday 30 May 2012

MItchell Graduates!

Mitchell finally made it! He graduated well with his classmates from The High School, yes that's the actual name! It was a beautiful graduation ceremony, and they had an excellent keynote speaker, Vincent Lavery - what an interesting fellow!  We are very proud of him.  His next step is to take 2 weeks worth of State Examinations (it would be similar to taking 6 SAT's over a two week period, covering each subject - in essay form! Very Intense!)  Then, the scores are tallied and back in late July - these dictate Irish Third Level offers from university departments.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Mums & Tots

Another year of Mums & Tots is over... we're gonna miss you all until the fall.

Don't forget about Mums & Tots during Holiday Bible Club in August!

Monday 7 May 2012


Spencer had a fantastic week at Gaeltacht (Irish Camp)  They are not supposed to speak English for a week, only being allowed to communicate in Irish.  (Although, he said they weren't very strict about it this time)  I hope he learned something!

Saturday 5 May 2012

Ballycullen Youth Group - playing the TRADING GAME.
We scored some seriously deadly stuff - including a watch, a Man U collectors edition album, a DVD series of the greatest boxers ever, some video games, and other bits and pieces.

Not bad, when we started with a paper clip!