Tuesday 31 December 2013

Happy New Year!!!
This game should get us to the ball dropping!!!
God's richest blessings on all!!

Wednesday 25 December 2013

We wish you all a very happy Christmas and a blessed New Year in 2014!

Christmas in the Peace House

Christmas hugs... aahh!
Evidence that I HAVE been in the kitchen for a reason other than to remove things from the fridge! I can make a mean batch of garlic whipped potatoes!
What a blessing this Christmas was here in Dublin.  We miss our family, but God has blessed us with friends and on this Christmas great food, fun, and a relaxing fire...

Sunday 22 December 2013

Christmas Coffee in Dub City

Costa in Dublin City Centre is such a nice new Christmas tradition!
Spencer was a great 'object lesson' for Pastor Jeff's sermon in our Family Christmas Service.
He played the role of Rescuer - springing from a Christmas gift, 
Representing Jesus the real Christmas gift who came to rescue mankind from sin and a lost eternity.
Our BCC Kids' Choir sang beautifully in the Family Christmas Service. 

Friday 20 December 2013

412 Teens in the Peace Home.
Finishing a video series addressing questions about the good news of Jesus.

Sunday 15 December 2013

Poor Christian found himself fighting pneumonia and missed all the fun 'pre-christmas break' days at school, being stuck in hospital.  He has kept his spirits up well though!
After only 2 days in, he has been discharged!!
Praise the Lord for answered prayer and miraculous healing!
BCC Christmas Carols by Candlelight... What a beautiful time to reflect on the real meaning of Christmas!

Monday 25 November 2013

Funchal, Madeira, Portugal

What a view of God's magnificent creativity!
We had a great time catching up with many friends in the ABWE Western Europe conference 2013.
Not sure the scary plane ride was worth it though.

Monday 11 November 2013


A combination of technical skill and creativity... Christian created this mask from scratch.
I think it must look a lot like his subconscious hero... the Colonel!
(Made from moulded plastic and spare parts...)

Sunday 10 November 2013

BCC Beginners...

I love that song... This little light of mine!
And they sing it so brilliantly!

Saturday 2 November 2013

Church Weekend Away

Brave crew getting ready for a scary zip-line experience!

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Halloween Pumpkin Carving

A pumpkin this size cost €15 ($21) Outrageous!
And the best part was playing with the BIG knife!

Saturday 26 October 2013

Sometimes being goofy gives the best photo :-)
Our 4 little blessings...

Saturday 5 October 2013

The American - Irish Dancer

Ali loves her traditional Irish Dancing!
She has done an amazing job and has been rewarding with several first place trophies, including the South Dublin Championships - she was the Cup Champion for her age bracket!!!

Monday 15 April 2013

Ali reading today's devotion


This performance was a few years ago, only 2 days before Roby experienced the very thing he was singing about... A sudden heart attack sent him to glory with Jesus! A reminder to keep our eyes focussed on what really matters... the author and finisher of our faith... enjoy!

Sunday 14 April 2013

A Celebration of Handel

Jen and I enjoyed this free concert from the Handelian Orchestra in Dublin City centre, where 270 years ago, Handel first performed his oratoria "The Messiah!"  It was amazing to think of the history!

Monday 25 February 2013

That's Bologna!

UNBELIEVABLE! Christian smuggled some REAL bologna back for his dad from Germany!
He knows me too well.  Thanks Christian.  (It is almost IMPOSSIBLE to get bologna in Ireland!)

Sunday 24 February 2013


What an exciting day - Jason and Tania followed the Lord's commands in Believer's Baptism today! BCC held the baptism in Grosvenor Road Baptist.