Sunday 28 May 2017


Admittedly, we probably aren't the best bloggers... but it does seem this is a great way to keep a bunch of people up to date with how we are getting on in Ireland!

When we initially launched this Blog, we were fairly regular with posting... but it didn't seem like very many people were interested in reading... not much feedback and small audience.  Thus, our enthusiasm waned and we eventually forgot to keep blogging...

Nonetheless, we have decided to give it another go!
Some of you may be happy, some could care less... that's ok:-)

We are excited about the things that God is doing here in our family, in Dublin, in County Wicklow and in Ireland in general.

SO, if you want to journey on with us, know how to pray for us and from time to time laugh with (or even at) us...

PLEASE, FOLLOW this Blog  (hit the BLUE BUTTON >>>>)

Our promise is that we will try to be better BLOGGERS!
(Consider the past couple years to be our "social media sabbatical")