Last week, Joe (7 years old) ran out to talk to his daddy, who was mowing grass on a large farm tractor. Rod did not see him and a tragic accident occurred. Our Lord spared little Joe's life, but he has sustained facial lacerations and has lost his left arm from the mid forearm. He was flown via chopper rescue from their home in Whitefish, Montana to Washington state where he has undergone at least 5 operations to date. While Rod (who is an orthopedic surgeon) flew in the chopper with Joe, Heidi (a nurse) drove the 8 hours to be with her son. How those hours must've felt like an eternity!

Jen and I have been gutted to know of these difficult times that the Brandts are going through, but, their strong faith in Christ the Lord is carrying them through. We are asking that you will join us in praying for Heidi and Rod, Joe and his two brother, and the rest of their family. Heidi's parents are Bob and Joyce Nixon, close friends of Jen's parents, and we love them dearly too. So please pray for Joe's grandma and grandpa Nixon, too! Pray that God will comfort them as only He can through His Holy Spirit. Sometimes it is hard to see the "why" in hard times, but, it is always best to trust the creator of the universe - He knows best!
Thanks for praying! If you'd like to keep praying for Joe as he heals, you can follow his progress through a blog from the family at Little Joe Brandt's Blog