Saturday 21 May 2011

As "Féte" would have it...

Féte is a french word meaning 'festival.'  For some odd reason, this is the word we use in Dublin to refer to a church carnival/festival.  Likely this is due to the Norman influence here.  Today we got to go to the Féte for related to the school that Spencer and Ali attend.

Are you kidding me! What fun!  Real "Fair-style Big Burgers!" for lunch.  ONLY €3 each! We also figured out that 'bric-a-brac' is the same as an American "yard-sale or
flea-market" section of the festival.  We had the biggest 'candy floss' (cotton candy).

Spencer and Ali ran around with their friends - even taking turns getting pelted with wet sponges. Maybe we should try that at home - and they could pay ME a €1 / 3 throws!

The usual 'stalls' (booths) were in place, face-painting / nail-painting / popcorn / sweets (candy) tuck-shop... you get the picture.  All-in-all it was a good day.

FUNNY STORY ALERT - BRACE YOURSELF.   The other night, Jen and I were over to our friend's house getting ready to have an evening out, actually on a "double-date."  Jen shared that she was beginning to see people just "out" in the community that she knew - like she would've in America.  this really is starting to feel like "home".

Feeling rather confident, she announced that she felt she has "acclimated" quite well to our life in Ireland.  Caroline, being an American by birth, affirmingly said "That's great Jen."  Jeff, her Irish husband, however,  could hardly contain himself.  Finally, he burst with laughter declaring - "acclimating - you mean "acclimatizing"... we would never say "acclimating"!  Of course we had to quickly Google it and sure enough --- UK/Ireland say "acclimatizing" and US says "acclimating."  At which point, seeing the beautiful irony of it all - we all joined Jeff in a good round of 'nearly rolling on the floor' laughter!

Well, there it is... our life... a constant learning curve - this week --- Vocabulary.