Saturday 17 March 2012

Happy Paddy's Day!

No Parade is complete without Candy Floss!

Mum & Son, feeling Green!

Jen & Christine, our German friend!

Making certain all is in order... 

U of Mizzou? In Dublin?

At least we could see the tall ones!
Well, in one sense "Saint" Patrick was and is no more a ''saint'' than any other christian.  The Bible clearly calls all who believe in Jesus - "saints." In fact, the New Testament refers to every true christian as a "saint" 45 times.  But, Patrick was extraordinary.  He was an amazing individual of great courage and faith, depending solely on Jesus Christ for his salvation.  It was his deep and unwavering faith that pushed him though every kind of adversity and trouble to complete his mission of spreading the gospel - the story of God's redeeming love through the perfect life-death-burial-and resurrection of His Son Jesus. For that mission, and ultimately the repercussions of his passion for it Patrick is the most highly esteemed "saint" in all of Ireland.  Thus, it is fitting to celebrate this man's courage and mission!  (Even though the parade was rubbish!)
Nope, not homeles... just tableless... BIG MISTAKE! the Shamrock shakes aren't THAT good!